Instagram built its billion-dollar business largely on the back of photos, but since adding support for video in 2013 the Facebook-owned app has, by virtue of its massive user base, become one of the most popular video-sharing services in the world.
Instagram built its billion-dollar business largely on the back of photos, but since adding support for video in 2013 the Facebook-owned app has, by virtue of its massive user base, become one of the most popular video-sharing services in the world.
L’ubérisation est devenue en quelques mois le paradigme de toutes les évolutions ou transformations profondes et touche même les pratiques RH comme celle du recrutement et de la sélection, mais aussi les modes de travail et de collaboration.
Now that video consumption has gone from primetime to all-the-time, how can brands capitalize on video micro-moments?
La vidéo reste le média dominant dans toutes les expériences de classes inversées.On peut donner aux vidéos plus de force et accroitre l’engagement des app
Before someone purchase a product or service there is one question they almost always ask themselves. Will it give me the result that I want? That’s why
Guide to Twitter Promoted Video Ads